March 7, 2016

WebHealer Research : Keep it fresh!

The screenshot above is from our SearchMax control panel which comes with all WebHealer websites. One item of advice we’re always encouraging clients to follow is to make regular updates to their website to keep the content “fresh” – something Google values. It makes sense of course. There are billions of pages of old and invalid content throughout the web, so recently updated pages are more likely to contain useful information. We help by tracking when updates are made so clients know if an update is overdue. The other thing we do is recommend how often to make updates. Is a daily update worth it for example? We think not. How about bi-monthly? It makes a big difference to how much effort you’d spend on your website.

How often?

Is a daily update worth it?

How about bi-monthly?

Our advice isn’t just guesswork. We carry out periodic analysis across thousands of websites cross-referencing the impact of making updates with Google position. This powerful information helps us provide guidelines to clients and is built into our search engine tools. Here’s a result of analysis carried out on 6th March 2016.

Based on this we’re currently recommending making an update (of substance and quality) at least once every month or 2 months out of 3. Moving your website up 4 or 5 places on Google can make a huge difference, especially if it gets you onto that important page one. Also this is just one of our key recommendations for top placement on Google. You can read about others in our eBook.